The wing caught on though, simply because it looked hairy and made the car look faster, for years customers who sent there winged Countach's to the factory for service would get them back sans wing (Chief test driver Balboni would have them taken off so he wouldn't get his ass kicked by a Ferrari on the autostrada whilst on a test drive) I remember Walter Wolf was the first to put a wing on the back of his Countach, he got Dallara in Italy to make it and the Lamborghini factory engineers hated it because the extra drag it created knocked off over 15 mph off the cars top speed. Subsequent wings came about as inexpensive ways of facelifting the look of the car. The wing on the '88 commemorative more than likely came about because Lotus were developing the suspension on what was to become the '88 Pontiac Fiero and the Fiero GT had a very similar If not identical wing fitted ,MJK (and the GM people who owned Lotus)liked the way it looked.